Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Colette-le blé en herbe

Well  how many people are going to be doing Le Blé en Herbe next year?  More I hope if they find the A level French literature resources on   By watching a film we look at the target language culture; by reading the literature we literally go inside that culture, into the minds of the protagonists.

What is it like to venture into the mind of middle class teenagers in the 1920's?  Are they so very different to young people of today?  In my opinion the emotions of the young people with all their interpersonal uncertainties are very similar;  however the world around them is on the cusp of change-women are coming to realize that blokes are not the paragons their mothers make them out to be.  It's not full on 70's or 80's feminism but it's on the march.

So is the book worthy of study?  There's lots to discover in it for sure and the exercises in will help in this direction.  In some ways it's good that there is no film to ruin the book also!    French literature is one of the cultural wonders of the world and all A level students should be doing some in my opinion.   This book is as good a start as any.

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