Tuesday, 6 May 2014

L'occupation-ALF resources and 2 page cartoon summary
The German occupation of France is a topic dear to my heart and one which can be exploited on many different levels by language teachers. I have just returned from a visit to old friends in a village near Orléans and Ginette our exchange partner's mother whom I've known for 40+ years was telling me of her experiences as a 5 year old. Her mother was running the farm south of the Loire by herself and as the Germans approached, she loaded up a cart and set off on the "exode". They only got 20 or so kilometres into the Sologne area and then came back, presumably after the armistice. Her father was a prisoner in Germany working on the Uboat works by the river Weser near Bremen. She clearly remembers German soldiers coming into the farmyard and machine gunning their chickens and a cow, presumably in order to obtain fresh produce. I never knew to ask about this 43 years ago-but I know now!

My first creative work based on the topic was this cartoon summary which I wrote in 1991 for the Stanley Thorne's Escalade 1 reader-it was for Key Stage 3 if the term existed then! Allo allo was still a popular TV comedy into its 7th series.

I wrote the summary including as much transactional language as possible:- shopping, transport, finding the way and it was surprising just how well the topic fitted. When I went for interview for a head of dept job, the incumbent showed us her materials for the occupation and, guess what, she had my summary as the ultimate condensation of the topic...so if you need it, use it.

l'occupation, un sac de billes, le silence de la mer, aubrac

Download the cartoon summary of the occupation (Stanley Thorne's Escalade 1)

For an introduction to the fall of France which illustrates why the country was in such a traumatised state by June 1940, the Channel 4 World at War, part 2 is essential viewing.

The Vercors novella Le silence de la mer fits neatly into the period following the defeat demonstrating how an old man and his niece resist passively against the German officer billeted with them. Although less than 40 pages in length I found that the poetic nature of von Ebrennac's characterisation of the relationship between the victor and the vanquished alongside the developing romantic attachment of the officer and the silent woman made for a classic of understatement-fertile ground for conjecture and therefore discussion. See summary of ALF resources for book

Written early in the 50's Au Bon Beurre by Jean Dutourd caused a good deal of soul-searching when it was published, dispelling many of the more up-beat, post war appraisals of private behaviour during the occupation. A crémier uses every opportunity to enrich himself and his family against a backdrop of Vichy propaganda. With a sub-plot of an attempted assassination attempt on Pétain this humorous novel feels authentic-even down to the crémier manning the barricades as a member of the résistance de dernière heure. An essential read for teachers wishing to get into the period.

The first film I saw based on the occupation period was in 1975; it was the first film I saw at university. Lacombe Lucien, directed by Louis Malle, was a shocking, morally ambiguous introduction to the topic. I enjoyed covering this title within the film section on ALF and commend it to teachers who may have had enough of Au revoir les enfants or Un sac de billes.

See cinema resources

The release of Au Revoir les Enfants, also of course by Malle, was an attempt by the director to deal with a disturbing experience from his past. I took a group of A level students to see the film at the Cornerhouse in Manchester and have re-watched the film ever since. I shall be releasing a sequence of materials on Malle shortly covering the director's career and examination preparation materials.

Lucie Aubrac's Ils partiront dans l'ivresse which I thoroughly enjoyed researching describes the effect of the German occupation on society and the internal workings of resistance networks in Lyon as this brave woman leads operations to release captive prisoners. The account came out when Klaus Barbie the German officer responsible for torturing prisoners was on trial in Lyon and the book raised many questions about the role of personal reminiscences in the recounting of history. Does Lucie come across as overly self-important and too enthusiastic a name-dropper?-if everything in the story is true, then I'm sure these characteristics are well-deserved. See summary of ALF resources on this book

Un sac de billes by Joseph Joffo traces the perilous adventures of the young Jo and his brother Maurice as they try to stay one jump ahead of both the collaborationist French and the Germans. Many aspects of life during the occupation are illuminated as the war progresses; the humorous tone of the book where the adult Jo looks over the shoulder of his younger self, contrasts with the ever present fear of the boys. Other works such as the film La rafle, home in on the single largest round-up in Paris but the sheer humanity of Un sac de billes gives a more life-affirming message. See summary of ALF resources for this book

In order to gain an overview of the opinions of a wide range of people during WW2 in France the classic Marcel Ophuls documentary "Le chagrin et la pitié" is essential viewing. The interviews all involve people living in and around Clermont Ferrand and include collaborators as well as people who worked with the resistance.

I have enjoyed watching the multi-series "Un village français" over the last few years. Set in a fictious village/town on the ligne de démarcation, the programmes, with a set cast of characters traces the fate of these people through the war years, starting from the exode and going right through to after the war. Available on DVD or through pluzz, the series is useful for teachers to get a feel for the period although it is probably too long winded to show to classes. This is a link to the FR3 homepage for the series.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

 A young lady who told me about Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du coran put me onto Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt whose work is very popular in France at the moment and goes down very well here with young people.  Short, down-to-earth novellas written with good humour, the works combine a good story with a wealth of philosophical matter to discuss.  It has been a real pleasure to create the resources for www.alevelfrench.com to enable teachers to tackle these books in class.

In Monsieur Ibrahim, Moïse, Momo for short, is lacking affection in his life, living as he does with a depressed Jewish father who is unable to cope with his guilt at having survived the Holocaust.    An unlikely but ultimately magical relationship begins to develop between Momo and monsieur Ibrahim "l'arabe du coin" whose shop he frequents.   Amongst other things Momo is taught to use his smile to disarm other people in his life.  The statement,  "Je mitraille tout le monde avec mon sourire" characterizes the new attitude brought about in his behaviour by the older man.

Monsieur Ibrahim gradually takes a larger role in Momo's life for reasons I won't go into and the book culminates in a trip back to the older man's roots.    Life affirming and thought-provoking the story is a good introduction to Schmitt's work.    The film, starring Omar Sharif, provides a welcome accompaniment to the book and one which will help enrichen the overall student experience of the work.  More details on the book and the ALF materials are available here.  Go to alevelfrench.com page.

Another teacher recommended Oscar et la dame rose also by Schmitt, although this time I wasn't keen on tackling the subject, that of a young boy dyng in  hospital.  When I was reminded of the book again  I thought I'd at least read the book which is very short.   What a good decision as it would not be going too far to say that the humanity and inventiveness of the book change one's attitude  towards mortality and death.

La dame rose, Mamie-Rose, comes in to cheer up young Oscar who has very little time to live.  The old lady regales Oscar with stories of her career as an all-in wrestler and the weird and wonderful opponents she supposedly fought.   She uses them to illustrate various qualities needed to face life-and indeed death.

When it becomes clear that Oscar's days are literally numbered, Mamie-Rose comes up with a wonderful strategy to help the boy live an entire life before the new year when he is expected to lose his fight for survival.   The way in which Schmitt builds such a sequence of events into the story is remarkable and by the end we are at the same time satisfied and moved that the boy has met his maker with dignity and satisfaction.

The book is written in the form of 14 letters to God in whom at the start of the book, Oscar makes it clear that he doesn't believe.    The accompanying film is charming in its own right changing the identity of Mamie-Rose into a self-interested pizza delivery woman who is completely won over by Oscar's charm and humanity.

Both Monsieur Ibrahim and Oscar are short novellas and the language is reasonably straightforward with no use of the past historic.    I believe they would be very popular with A level/IB groups anywhere and also for ambitious year 11 students to foster their interest in French.    More information on Oscar et la dame rose resources on ALF are available here.